Work Package (WP) 10 – Industry participation and technology transfer

WP Leader: Marjolein Neuteboom
Email: marjolein.neuteboom[at]

grazingRuminOmics will involve industries amongst the animal breeding, farming cooperatives, feed industry and processors, that will be consulted and involved in the project, its development and its results.


  • Create a core group of interested industries in animal breeding and feed, farming cooperatives/groups, and processors.
  • Consult industries and cooperatives via individual company visits on the needs and perspectives with regard to ruminomics.
  • Organise a technical visit of the interested industries to the ruminant research site of one of the partners.
  • Organise national and regional advisory and scientific workshops to achieve two way interaction between research and end users and to agree future research, technology and implementation strategies.

Major Outcomes

  • Core group industries that will support dissemination activities and reports on joint meetings with core industry representatives to agree dissemination methods;
  • Four regional workshops.

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