Dublin Workshop

Saturday, 22 June 2013, University College Dublin, Ireland

‘High-level objective: Harmonization of techniques associated with ruminal microbiome and metagenome analysis’

Programme and Presentations

Session 1 Chair – John Wallace
The Session will address problems and/or decisions that affect many researchers who work in the area of ruminal biology and microbial ecology. Our aim will be to find out how the methods used in different laboratories can be optimised and harmonized, with the intended end-point that studies from different groups can be compared with confidence, and not be compromised by methodological differences.

Introduction to Ruminomics [PDF] – John Wallace, United Kingdom

Sampling and sample storage [PDF] – Gemma Henderson, New Zealand Ilma Tapio, Finland

Existing and emerging sequencing technologies [PDF] – Mick Watson, United Kingdom

Microbiome analysis [PDF] – Leluo Guan, Canada; Sinead Waters, Ireland

Metagenome analysis, community structure [PDF] – Stewart Denman, Australia

Genomics [PDF] – Sinead Leahy, New Zealand

Functional metagenomics [PDF] – Graeme Attwood, New Zealand

Metatranscriptomics [PDF] – Chris Creevey, Ireland

Metaproteomics [PDF] – Tim Snelling, United Kingdom

Bioinformatics for metagenomic sequence analysis [PDF] – John Williams, Italy

Session 2 Chair – Adrian Cookson
Update and next steps for Rumen Microbial Genomics Network [PDF] – Adrian Cookson, New Zealand

Group Discussion Summaries Chair – Adrian Cookson, New Zealand

Related Networks
Global Rumen Census [PDF] – Gemma Henderson, New Zealand

The Hungate 1000 [PDF] – Bill Kelly, New Zealand

Overall Conclusions [PDF] – John Wallace, United Kingdom