Climate smart cattle farming and breeding

RuminOmics and METHAGENE together with the Cattle Commission of EAAP have organised a full-day of sessions on the topic of Climate Smart Cattle Farming and Breeding at the Annual Meeting of the European Association of Animal Production (EAAP) in Warsaw, Poland.

The session will take place on August 31st 2015 in room 230 (Aula I & II), in the building 23 (main conference building).

In the morning, invited speakers will focus on:

  • International overview of climate smart initiatives
  • The economics of environmental traits
  • Life cycle assessments with regard to (a) management + system approach, and (b) taking land use into account

This will followed by presentations by several EU projects related to climate smart cattle farming, including RuminOmics and METHAGENE.

In the afternoon, there will be presentations of selected abstracts on genetics, measuring methane, proxies for enteric methane, feed efficiency, metabolomics and rumen microbiota.

It will be an interesting day, with lots of information but also opportunities to discuss and meet other scientist who are working in this field.

The programme with list of speakers can be viewed here. Below we have highlighted a few of the speakers and the paper(s) they will present.

Alexandre Berndt
Enteric methane emissions from beef cattle of different genetic groups in confinement in Brazil

Yvette de Haas
METHAGENE – towards large-scale methane measurements on individual ruminants for genetic evaluations

Florian Grandl
Can chamber and SF6 CH4 measurements be combined in a model to predict CH4 from milk MIR spectra?
Feed intake, digestion efficiency and methane emissions of lactating cows of different age

Troels Kristensen
Climate smart cattle farming – management and system aspects

Jan Lassen
Genome-wide association study for methane emission in Danish Holstein cattle
Poster: Genetic approaches for methane mitigation strategies

Marcin Pszczola
Methane emission collected on Polish commercial dairy farm

Tim Snelling
RuminOmics technologies and methane, a mixture of metagenomics and metaproteomics

Ilma Tapio
Host genetic effects on the rumen microbiome as revealed by rumen content exchange in lactating cows

Sabine van Engelen
Poster: Methane production by dairy cows measured in an automatic milking system

Corina van Middelaar
Dairy production and the carbon cycle: the importance of land use and land use change

Marleen Visker
Methane emission of dairy cows reflected by sensor measurements
Poster: Methane production by dairy cows measured in an automatic milking system

We hope you will join us!