Past Events

RuminOmics Technical Visit on Methane and Feed Efficiency in Dairy Cows

You are cordially invited to the RuminOmics Technical Visit on Methane and Feed Efficiency in Dairy Cows on Wednesday June 25, 2014 in Nottingham, UK, 9:00 – 13:00.

Read more about the technical visit and funding possibilities here.

Joint RuminOmics/Rumen Microbial Genomics Network/ECO-FCE Workshop
RuminOmics is organising a satellite workshop, together with the Rumen Microbial Genomics Network and the analogous FP7 project on non-ruminant species, ECO-FCE. The workshop will run from 10.00-16.00 on Monday 16 June in Aberdeen, UK. Its aim will be to compare and contrast methodologies, results and problems from the different projects, with a theme How does the gut microbiota influence feed efficiency?

Read more about the workshop, including the programme and registration form here.

Gut Microbiology: from Sequence to Function

Gut Microbiology conferenceThe 9th Joint Symposium is organised by the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen, Scotland (UK) and the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Clermont-Ferrand-Theix (France) and will take place from 16- 19 June 2014 in Aberdeen, UK.

The overall aim of the conference is to promote understanding of the role of the complex microbial ecosystems present in the digestive tract of man and animals, in maintaining health of the host.

This includes elucidating links between the microbial ecology of the digestive tract and the roles of specific genes in the interplay both between micro-organisms, and between micro-organisms and their hosts. The conference is of interest to those working to improve human and animal health and nutrition through dietary manipulation.

Topics to be addressed will include:

  • Microbial diversity in health and disease
  • The relationship between (meta)genomic sequences and microbial activity
  • Microbial metabolism of dietary components and functional foods
  • Microbial interactions with the host

Find out more about the conference, abstract submission process and registration, visit the conference website.

International Plant & Animal Genome XXII

plant and animal genomeThe Plant and Animal Genome XXII Conference is designed to provide a forum on recent developments and future plans for plant and animal genome projects.

Francesco Strozzi, representing RuminOmics partner, Parco Technological Padano (PTP), will be hosting a workshop during the conference. The Workshop title is “The Analysis and Role of Microbiome” and will specifically address advances and insights into the analysis of microbiome data, generated with NGS technologies from current US and EU livestock projects. There will be 5 speakers and an open discussion at the end of the session.

For more information on the workshop see:

RuminOmics Community Meeting

Being held at the Thistle Hotel, London Heathrow.

Meeting time will be from 08:30 – 17:30