Work Package (WP) 7 – Data management and analysis

WP Leader: Francesco Strozzi
Email: francesco.Strozzi[at]

photo6The increasing throughput and amount of sequencing data available from next generation technologies require the correct processing and management of vast amounts of information that are produced. In particular, for the Ruminomics project, metagenomic analyses will be performed on a large number of animals to study the microbiome present in the rumen. Therefore the enormous amount of sequencing data generated needs to be processed and analysed to identify the different species present in each sample. All the sequence information must then be organized and correlated with the genotypic and phenotypic information of the host to account for e.g. the animal traits, the genotype, the diet and the production level, while statistical analyses need to be performed to produce a complete picture of host-microbiome interactions.


  • To collect the data produced in WP2-6 to process, store and analyse all the genomic, genetic and phenotypic information.
  • Setup a data warehouse platform to manage all the information and to allow the project partners to access the processed data.
  • Analysis of the metagenomic sequencing and metabarcoding data to identify all the different genes and species present in the rumen microbiome.
  • Analysis of the genome-wide scan data of the host and statistical modelling of the host-microbiome interactions, in relation to phenotypic information such as the diet, the methane production and efficiency.
  • Analysis of environmental footprint, efficiency and product quality data.
  • Identification of genetic loci in the host genome that are associated with changes in the rumen microbiome, metabolic profiles and milk fatty acid composition.
  • Analysis of single-species genomes of fungi, HAB and Butyrivibrio.

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