Work Package (WP) 9 – Dissemination and training

WP Leader: Cledwyn Thomas
Email: cledwyn.thomas[at]

HeadDissemination and exploitation of outputs is a key part of RUMINOMICS to support outputs from the project. The project will adopt a knowledge interaction approach to form a virtuous circle of problem definition by scientists and end users, relevant research activity and dissemination. To ensure that the outputs for dissemination are relevant to the needs of the various stakeholders (farmers, extension services, farmers, consumers, policy, researchers) and the diverse systems represented in Europe, participative approaches to dissemination will be adopted with stakeholder representatives having a role in advising on the strategy and in assisting in the delivery.


The outputs from WP 2 to 8 will be analysed in order to identify the stakeholders for each deliverable and use innovative and participatory methods to ensure that they are effectively disseminated among the stakeholders.
The workpackage will:

  • Create a participatory framework that will allow structured and continuous dialogue between partners and the stakeholders to ensure that the project meets the needs of the end users;
  • Organise a final conference to enhance the relevance of the research to end users and to agree future research, technology and implementation strategies;
  • Disseminate results to the intended end users and secure exploitation of innovations from the project through the provision of innovative training elements (E-learning), dissemination material and demonstration activities.

Major Outcomes

  • Project website, leaflets and Newsletter
  • Summer School to aid implementation of project outputs
  • ELearning Materials and Guidelines for use
  • Final International Conference

wp2 wp3 wp4 wp5 wp6 wp7 wp8 wp9 wp10