RuminOmics implemenation at the regional level

With the aim to update stakeholders on progress in the project and to discuss future research needs and proposals for implementing project outputs, the project has held a series of workshops across Europe in Warsaw, Budapest, Lodi (Italy) and Edinburgh in the past three months.

Participants at the Lodi regional workshop.

Participants at the Lodi regional workshop.

A standard programme was adopted for all the workshops which included:

  • Overview of the RuminOmics project.
  • Global view of environmental impact of ruminant livestock production.
  • Regional Livestock Sector, breeding industry and goals
  • Nutrition, efficiency and emissions.
  • Rumen Microbial Ecology
  • Does the host animal control the activity and composition of its gut microbes?
  • Tools for rapid analysis of animal phenotypes and the rumen microbiome. Field-scale study of rumen function, efficiency and emissions in dairy cows ‘The 1000 cow study’.
  • Round Table Discussion-Implementation of project outputs in the region and future research priorities

The presentations from each workshop are available from the RuminOmics website under workshops.

The project supported the attendance of early-career scientists. In total 28 scientists from across Europe and especially from the eastern Europe and the Mediterranean areas were able to take up this offer. When asked about the Edinburgh workshop, Sokratis Stergiadis, replied,

The workshop was great. The presentations were very informative and was extremely useful for networking as well.

To view the presentations from the workshops, follow the links below: